enumeration - definição. O que é enumeration. Significado, conceito
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O que (quem) é enumeration - definição

Enumerations; Enumerative; Enumerable; List (composition)

1. <mathematics> A bijection with the natural numbers; a counted set. Compare well-ordered. 2. <programming> enumerated type. (1996-11-28)
·noun A detailed account, in which each thing is specially noticed.
II. Enumeration ·noun The act of enumerating, making separate mention, or recounting.
III. Enumeration ·noun A recapitulation, in the peroration, of the heads of an Argument.
Numbering, computation, citation, mention, detailed account, separate mention, specification.
(Rhet.) Recapitulation, summing-up.



An enumeration is a complete, ordered listing of all the items in a collection. The term is commonly used in mathematics and computer science to refer to a listing of all of the elements of a set. The precise requirements for an enumeration (for example, whether the set must be finite, or whether the list is allowed to contain repetitions) depend on the discipline of study and the context of a given problem.

Some sets can be enumerated by means of a natural ordering (such as 1, 2, 3, 4, ... for the set of positive integers), but in other cases it may be necessary to impose a (perhaps arbitrary) ordering. In some contexts, such as enumerative combinatorics, the term enumeration is used more in the sense of counting – with emphasis on determination of the number of elements that a set contains, rather than the production of an explicit listing of those elements.

Exemplos de pronúncia para enumeration
1. of brutal enumeration of material conditions,
The Triumph of Human Empire _ Rosalind Williams _ Talks at Google
2. halfway through his enumeration of his love for her.
3. for recursive enumeration. Well, that's a goal, you know. It's far from being attained
Politics and Language _ Noam Chomsky _ Talks at Google
4. carry out recursive enumeration, basically, the capacity that gives you the number system,
Politics and Language _ Noam Chomsky _ Talks at Google
5. operation, recursive enumeration operation, that allows you to create a discreet infinity
Politics and Language _ Noam Chomsky _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para enumeration
1. "Reports from the states indicate near–completion of enumeration," Samui‘la Makama, head of the census commission told reporters.
2. A census is an enumeration of all the people of a village or a systematic and complete count of all who are living in specified places.
3. "Tedad 2005 should not be confused with, or seen as relating to tracking immigration, and will not require any documents from people during the enumeration or counting phase.
4. "Census 2005 should not be confused with, or seen as relating to tracking immigration, and will not require any documents from people during the enumeration or counting phase.
5. "Women are more likely to rely on enumeration" and count up their partners, Brown said –– "a strategy that typically leads to underestimation.